“WingTsun TM” 乃「國際詠春總會」宗師梁挺教授所創之「獨有」武學課程及制度;由梁挺宗師參化傳統詠春拳技術後親自設計,授權「國際詠春總會˙有限公司」獨家教授。其歷史及特點如下:
早於1970年代最初期,當梁挺師傅出版三冊《詠春拳》中英文對照專書時,已第一位使用“Wing Tsun”的英文串法。
1974年,當梁挺師傅註冊其「詠春梁挺拳術總會˙有限公司」時,特別將其組織的英文名稱定為 “Wing Tsun Leung Ting Martial-Art Association, Ltd Co”; 因此,“詠春”的英文串法,遂定為“W-i-n-g T-s-u-n”。從此,“Wing Tsun”此兩字,成為了特別代表梁挺宗師門下的《詠春拳術系統》的英文註冊名辭。90年代末期,梁挺宗師的詠春總會最後改為「國際詠春總會」(International WingTsun Association, ltd Co.)而其WingTsun TM 的名稱,亦開始在美國註冊為世界專利商標。*在中國大陸,則已全國性註冊為「詠春」;以別於一般的「咏春」武館。
如今,「詠春」的普遍英文串法為“Wing Chun”或“Ving Tsun”。此兩個名辭,為葉問故宗師的其他弟子所廣用。而“WingTsun TM”卻是「國際詠春總會」宗師梁挺教授所註冊,祇有國際詠春總會的會員才能使用的「專有名辭」。
事實上,“WingTsun”與一般“wing chun”或“ving tsun”拳術的分別,並不在於其不同的英文串法,而在於完全異於傳統的詠春拳術的“教授系統”。
1: 梁挺教授創立【系統化教授課程】
1: Unique Systematic Teaching courses founded by Prof Leung Ting
Every school in the IWTA teaches the same lessons, same courses, same techniques, and same concepts. Every instructor in the IWTA knows the standard of a student or an instructor exactly. Any student can go to any WingTsun school to continue his learning just by showing his new instructor the passport of the IWTA.
2: 創出獨特嚴密「升級制度」
2: Unique Grading System
In 1968, the year Prof Leung Ting started teaching Wing Tsun, by consulting the grading systems of the Japanese and Korean martial arts, he founded a special “Wing Tsun Grading System”. It is unique to all the tradition Wing Tsun and kungfu schools.
3: 唯一的【下盤功夫】完整課程
3: Special Footwork Courses
Prof Leung Ting, after becoming the “Closed-door student” (the special student being chosen by a retired grandmaster) of the late Great Grandmaster Yip Man, who personally taught all the footwork to Leung in 1968, soon developed and improved all the techniques and founded the special “footwork courses”.
He even forms the “Special Footwork” fighting against Thai-boxing, Taekwondo, karate, judo, etc. This is absolutely the “missing page of the traditional wing chun style”. This is also the secret for the Leung Ting WingTsun system to be the ONLY Chinese kungfu system that teaches so many world-champion instructors as well as high-ranked combat-instructors of special enforcements.
4: 首創一套完整的【概念及理論】課程
4: Scientific Concepts and logical theory
Prof Leung applies the western scientific theories and logic to explain his improved WingTsun techniques, which include: “WingTsun Philosophy”, “Doctrine on Application of force and Distances”, “Psychological states”, “Fighting Strategy”, “Magnetic Zone theory”, “Mottos and Concepts” etc. These theories are either written in books and being shown in instructional videos or taught to his high-rank instructor-level students in seminars.
5: 獨有分級制【黐手】課程及“晉升制度”
此外,另有【甩手】(Lat-Sau)課程、【標指黐手】(Biu-Tze Chi-Sau)課程、【木人樁黐手】(Wooden Dummy Chi-Sau)等高級黐手課程。均為梁挺教授所獨創。
5: Systematic Chi-Sau drills that suits the Grading System
There are seven sections of “Chi-Sau” programs taught to the students of the IWTA. Every section consists of special meanings and distinguishing attacking and defending techniques.
There are also advanced courses such as the “Lat-Sau” program, “Biu-Tze Chi-Sau” program, and “Wooden Dummy Chi-Sau” program. All these programs are exclusively founded by Prof Leung Ting.
6: 完整的【摔投及地蹚】教授課程
6: “Throwing” and “Ground-fighting”
There are Throwing techniques and Ground-fighting techniques, “uniquely” founded by Prof Leung Ting himself. With these techniques one can fight and over come the wrestlers and judokas.
This is the main reason his WingTsun is now taught to the wrestling and judo groups. Even the high-rank judokas and world-champion wrestlers are learning the WingTsun concepts and techniques to enrich their own techniques.
7: 教授特種部隊的【特別課程】
7: Special courses to special groups
Other than the ordinary classes in the schools, Prof Leung also designed Special Training Courses to teach the special groups of people such as the special police, special crops of militaries, body-guards and else